Monday, May 08, 2006

The Telepathic Butterflies

The Telepathic Butterflies
are a three piece from Winnipeg, Canada. I read in the band's bio that Rejean Ricard and Jacques Dubois were actually performing as a two piece until joined by bass player Eric Van Buren. Inspiration for the band name came from the Kurt Vonnegut novel Breakfast of Champions. The band members list, as musical influence, classic and 60's rock, which comes through overwhelmingly in their sound.

The Butterflies are currently working on their 3rd full length release which will be available on Rainbow Quartz Records soon. No specific DOR is mentioned that I could find. Another thing I couldn't find was a MySpace page for the band (whaaa??) so here is their record label on MySpace. The song I featured here is from the band's 2004 release Songs From a Second Wave. There are a ton of MP3 songs to hear and download on the Telepathic Butterflies website.

This is some really good psychedelic power pop. Enjoy.

MP3: Bonhommie

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