Monday, April 07, 2008

MML Preview: François Virot

Photo: Beatriz Lanchas

After a few days of welcomed but taxing family obligations and an unfortunate car engine explosion (don't ask), we finally have the opportunity to settle back in with some outstanding new music we've been listening to all the while. Our first feature of Lyon, France based multi-instrumentalist François Virot happened well over a year ago [December 2006 review + download] with a follow up on one of his noisier side projects, Clara Clara (Clara MySpace) almost a year later [October 2007 review + download]. Now we have the good fortune to report an upcoming full length release, simply titled Yes Or No, which will be made available through Clapping Music (Clapping MySpace) on June 5. Our first complete listen to the new album revealed a collection of songs that, while keeping with the previous theme of experimental campfire-folkiness, gave us a new take on Mr. Virot's warm and playful direction. For more music and information, visit the François Virot website as well as the much visited François Virot MySpace page. The next live performance will take place in Berlin, Germany on April 13 as François takes the stage at Madame Claude. The itinerary for a summer tour of the U.S. is also in the works and you can place a safe bet that we will be front and center for the Chicago show. The following two tracks are lovely and a highly recommended preview of the new album. Enjoy.

MP3: Not The One
MP3: Where o Where a

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